There's an old saying: "Show, don't tell." While this saying is mostly used in writing classes, we like to think that it applies to your interactions with your customers as well.
You can say ‘thanks’ to your customers any time, but showing your appreciation takes a little more effort – and your customers will recognize that.
There are plenty of simple, personal, and effective ways to show customer appreciation – and they go a long way. 68% of people leave a business because of perceived indifference. Doesn’t it make sense, then, to win over your customers every time you interact with them?
Give shoutouts to customers to recognize their efforts or loyalty. Is there a client working hard or showing improvement at your studio? You can commend their efforts on Facebook or Twitter or let them have free reign of your Instagram for an afternoon. A short and simple post will do the trick. Just make sure your shout out is sincere and positive.
Another way to show some gratitude is to feature a customer on your website or in your newsletter. This is a nice way to make your customer feel valued and allows them to share their story of working with you.
Say thanks to your most loyal clients by offering customer rewards program at your business. Customers love special deals and discounts, which is why 84% of consumers are more likely to choose retailers that offer such a program. Plus, loyalty programs operate on principles of gamification, which is an excellent way to increase referrals and brand awareness for your business.
Your rewards program can be as simple as offering a free class or small discount to your most loyal customers, or something more complex such as tiered rewards. Just make sure your rewards are enticing to customers and their friends.
Learn more about loyalty programs
Don’t leave your social media followers hanging. Give them the recognition they deserve by offering special announcements exclusive promotions. Plus, be there to answer questions and concerns that are sent to you on social media.
You can also use your loyalty program to reward customers for specific actions on social media. For instance, customers could earn and use loyalty points for checking in on popular platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.
Put together a special party or promotion for all of your customers. You can plan it around a national event such as Small Business Saturday or Customer Appreciation Day, or pick a unique date. For-customer events will not only make your customers feel special and rewarded for their patronage, but can also be an opportunity for your business to meet some sales goals. Don’t forget to advertise your event, and include fun things for people to do when they show up like participate in a Facebook photo campaign.