MINDBODY Online’s biggest event kicks off next week (October 4-6), and we’re excited to see all of you in person and chat about your businesses, your students, your instructors, your staff and your rewards programs.

If you’re looking for reasons to come hang out with us at the Perkville booth, look no further.

1. Discover what a rewards program could do for your studio

Maybe you’ve heard about Perkville but aren’t really sure how it aligns with your business goals, or perhaps you need some more detailed information on what your ROI will be with Perkville. We’ll have a team there to answer all of your questions, plus some amazing customers that can share their story with you

2. See our new branded rewards programs in action

We’re running live demos of rewards programs at our booth, complete with our recently launched branding tool, which allows you to effectively customize the look and feel of your rewards program to match your business’s brand. Stop by our booth to see this new feature in action.

3. Learn our latest tips on getting the most out of your rewards programs

With every feature we release, we learn new things about how to best market your rewards program and keep your clients engaged, all while boosting your revenue, referral and retention numbers. Come chat with us about what we’re discovering with time bonuses, social referrals, Facebook photo campaigns and more. We’ll also be posting #BOLDinsights with what we’re learning from the speakers AND from you, and we encourage you to do the same.

4. Of course, there will be swag

We have some pretty cool giveaways happening at the Perkville booth. Don’t forget to bring around your BOLD passport for a chance to win something from the raffle – we put something pretty awesome in the pool that we think you’re going to enjoy.

5. Meet your new partners in business

At Perkville, we want to be more than just the software that helps you increase retention, referrals, engagement and loyalty in your business. We want to help you build a holistically thriving health and wellness business, whether you’re looking for help in marketing, sales, class offerings, business management and more. Stop by our booth to learn more about what we’re doing on our blog and how we’d like to help you succeed.

Not going to make it to BOLD 2016 this year? Follow #BOLDinsights on Facebook and Twitter to get the inside scoop on what we’re learning, and keep an eye out on the blog for other tips on succeeding with your MINDBODY business.